Friday, January 20, 2012

But of course, there is always a hamartia AND MINE IS A FAILURE TO AUTOSAVE.

So I'm at this point in my life where I'm at this lull between my life for the past year in my hometown and my life in a new city, where I'm in the process of moving, but not really panic mode because I still have a couple of weeks, THEREFORE this is the time in my life to crackdown on my whole "writing should be a right now, not maybe some day thing" resolution. So I made plans to go to the library and sit in the quiet with my headphones and get things done.
Yeah, I...well. See. I had to plan. Like. There were these things in my head floating around, and I couldn't get them to stop floating, so I had to write them down with little references to like, Lost and Mean Girls in my notebook. And then I had a headache one day, and Adam Lambert was going to be on Ellen anyway, and by time my headache went away, I would have missed Ellen! And I love Adam Lambert, and Ellen gave this underprivileged science student a scholarship and I totally cried!

Basically what I'm trying to say is that I didn't actually sit down and do anything remotely productive until today. So I went to the library, wrote quite a bit that I was fairly proud of, was super into it, and....Word stopped autosaving. It was weird. I couldn't figure out why, so I just went with it and decided I could save manually after i finished this sentence/thought/paragraph/page/etc.

You see where this is going.

Humans have this sort of fatal flaw where we think we're borderline invincible, I think. Like, people generally tend to think that Worst Case Scenario isn't going to happen to them. Logically, they know it can, but in their heart of hearts, they don't believe it. And while I'm as guilty of that as anyone else, I also have a healthy dose of paranoia that keeps it in check and reminds the logical part of me that I am as susceptible to the universe's whims as anyone else. It also has me scrambling to Web MD everytime I so much as cough.

But when it comes to little things, like oh, look they've taken out the outlets at this desk...oh, I don't need to plug in my charger, I'll just sit here anyway. And why isn't Word autosaving oh well I'll save it when I'm done! My computer's really old and tends to shut off without warning when the battery's low, but I'll totally notice and finish with plenty of time!

All of these things were so, so wrong.

In the grand scheme of things, I lost like 800 words, maybe, which is annoying, but not a big deal. I can recreate 800 words. And it's certainly nowhere near a disaster. But it's a nice little reminder that I should probably never try to outsmart technology or situational misfortunates because I'm inevitably not smart enough to do so, I just have a really big ego and think I am.

Aaaaaand now I have 800 words to recreate, so I'll be getting on that now.

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